Great Ideas For Landscaping

Look at the areas where you desire shrubs, blooms, trees, walks, an all-out garden, a pond, a brick wall and so on. Don’t feel overwhelmed. Keep your initial attempts uncomplicated and simple to fulfill. Work your way up.

Put Your Ideas on Paper

Lay down some preliminary measurements, and then look at which plants would look nice within the space. One plan could call for taller flowers in back, with shorter ones in the middle, and ground cover in front and between. That keeps everything seeable to viewers standing in front.

Most often, of course, yards tend to be rectangular. While this is often the case you do not want to limit yourself to only small rows or boring squares within that space.

Maybe placing something round like a birdbath can break up the boring sameness. Then you let that circle be central to a hub of spokes of flowers that will radiate outward in a sun pattern. Those spokes could be formed by stones or bricks, dividing the rectangle into a series of triangles of different shapes and sizes.

Consider having different plants in different triangles – cherry tomatoes in one area, foxgloves in another, thyme over here, chives over there, yarrow in front, tansy in the back.

Start Your Project Today

Another landscaping tip is to observe that the example has not only an arrangement that varies the space in a visually interesting way, but allows each plant to be seen differently from different angles. On each of the three sides, the viewer gets a very different look.

Varying the color arrangements adds yet another level of complexity and delight to an already interesting design. By using colorful flowers like tansy that comes in bright colors like yellow, you can find lovely complements to other flowers such as foxgloves. Another way to create unique items the draw the eye might be to use Chives. You will find that their green thin upright stalks along with their lovely lavender flowers can offer alot of texture to the viewer.

The number of possible design variations is limitless. You may have a kidney-shaped area to fill, or simply want to line a short, white picket fence with some pleasant shrubs. To break up the line of the yard planting a tree either for shade or just ornamental can help your yard by creating other sections of focus. The tree then is central to a new set of plants such as having daisies or irises growing up along the side of the house.

As you get more comfortable with shape and contour ideas, your outdoor living area will become your own personal expression lf your self. Let your imagination grow wild.